My exploration of the many wonders of being a woman and all that comes along with being man’s greatest fear: a daughter

"Disturbing Elements" 9"x7" 2025

"Rain Drops" 2023 9" x 7" $1000

"Child's Play" 2023 9" x 7" "Uncle Wiggily" is a series of children's stories created by American author Howard R. Garis. The stories feature an elderly rabbit named Uncle Wiggily Longears as the main character. Uncle Wiggily is depicted as a kind, gentle rabbit who wears clothes, walks with a cane, and embarks on various adventures. I used an Uncle Wiggily book from 1931 to construct this lovely woman's dress $900
"Undressed" 2021, 9" x 7" For many years, I have collected snapshot photos. These photos are candid and unposed shots of life years ago. They are usually mistakes. Despite my fascination, my friends and family had little interest in viewing my many books of strangers. I placed them inside a beautiful woman to pique their interest. Here, my strangers depict the many sides of a woman as she exposes herself to us $1000

"Cotton Trapped Clouds" 2023 9" x 7" There are few things in this world that lean 100% in one direction. A lean implies an angle verging in opposition to one's assurance. What appears to be simply a soft fabric may actually be clouds. $900

"Big Jet Plane" 2023 9" x 7" Few matters in this world lean 100% in one direction. A lean itself implies an angle verging in opposite to one side's assurance. Despite what appears to be simply a soft fabric may actually be clouds. $900

"8/03/2013" 2023 9" x 7" August 3rd marks the day I was first admitted to a psychiatric ward. August 3rd marks the day I was first admitted to a psychiatric ward. We all may have an August 3rd inside of us in one way or another. The day we get locked or trapped. Admitted or committed. August 3rd is a humbling day $900

"Inner Fighter" 2023 9" x 7" There is a fight within us all between our animalistic and human sides NFS

"Ambien" 2023 9" x 7" As a long-time insomnia sufferer, I can relate to the frustration of tossing and turning at night. At age 18, I was prescribed my first dose of Klonopin, a long-acting benzodiazepine. My life was completely changed by suddenly being able to rest without crying myself to sleep or waking up in a panic time and time again. NFS

"Scented" 2024 9" x 7" $800

"Crowds" 6" x 4" 2021 This postcard was the first in a series of pin-ups. It was at the tail end of the COVID-19 pandemic. I made this when inflation was out of control and the crowds were only craved within us. $700

"Dry Skin" 2023 9" x 7" The beast within has some dry skin $750

"The Nurses" At my last job as a registered nurse, a patient asked me, “If you can’t take a hit, why are you here?” This patient truly thought he could beat me. He truly thought he had the right to punch and degrade me. How has this become the expectation for nursing? Patients came to the hospital with the mindset they could inflict abuse without repercussions. They think this because it’s true. Punch a bus driver; it’s a felony. Punch a nurse, and she’s asked what she could have done differently 2024 9" x 7" $800